The 16th AIRBAG symposium will be held at a demanding time for automotive manufacturers and suppliers, as they transition towards electrification, digitalization and the roll-out of autonomous driving functionalities. This transformation offers numerous challenges but at the same time significant opportunities for the development and implementation of innovative safety systems.

The symposium will once again be the venue for international engineers, scientists, legislators, managers and marketing experts to exchange information, to make new contacts and to network to promote integral safety for road users on an impartial platform.  The two day program will cover relevant aspects from global accident studies and legislation framework, automotive trends and developments, innovations on system and component level, related tools and methods for bringing systems efficiently to market as well as an outlook into future applications and new business opportunities. 

First time this symposium will offer a platform for young talents to get in touch with the community and to set foot in this exciting area of technology. – Welcome to Mannheim, Germany and to AIRBAG 2024!

Dr. Lars Fredrik Berg – Chairman of the AIRBAG symposium 

AIRBAG 2024 - our topics


International accident studies – Global safety ratings and legislation – Trends in the automotive industry – Safety system developments serving the trends – Product and component innovation – Tools and methods – Further key influencing factors – a look to the future applications and technologies



Symposium with expert lectures

  • by world-leading experts from OEMs, suppliers, universities and public authorities
  • German - English / English - German
    (simultaneous interpretation)

Technical and scientific poster session

Contributions can be made via poster presentations along with written manuscripts, which will be included in the proceedings. These contributions will be at the cutting edge of technical development.  



A limited number of booths are available to present commercial applications. Exhibition space will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.  



Our announcement for the 16th International Symposium on Integral Car Safety Systems can be viewed and downloaded here.


News, events and happenings


Workshop / 25.11.2024

Expert workshop

The symposium Airbag 2024 we will once again host the expert workshop "Berliner Erklärung des VDI zur Fahrzeugsicherheit"


Book / 18.4.2024

"Integrale Sicherheit von Kraftfahrzeugen"

For the past 25 years this book has served as an important reference for anyone working within the field of vehicle safety.

The 5th edition with updates on latest trends and developments is out now!

Prof. Schöneburg was a member of the program committee in 1998, and in 2022 he returned as an active member of the program committee for the Airbag Symposium 2024.


Video / 22.1.2024

The first airbag2024 young talent program launches now!


Brief insight on Airbag 2024 / 8.12.2023

New video

Dr. Lars-Fredrik Berg, chairman of the Airbag 2024, gives a brief insight into the topics for the coming year. Be part of next-gen automotive safety!

Retrospective – facts and figures

The AIRBAG Symposium at a glance

In the 2-minute video you will get an informative overview of the airbag symposium.


Deep insights into the Airbag 2022

Get to know exhibitors and technologies from the past event in the detailed video.

Join our community!


Young Talent Program

Become part of the Airbag community!

Apply now for one of the limited slots at Airbag 2024 Young Talent Program!


Check out our LinkedIn channel




Statements from our programme committee

"Safe next generation mobility requires adequate protection of vehicle occupants and all road users.“

Dirk Schultz
ZF Automotive Germany GmbH

"The Airbag Conference stands for tireless innovation to protect people in traffic."

Dr.-Ing. Jochen Neutz
Joyson Safety Systems GmbH

"We must use the opportunity to develop new and innovative passive safety systems for the mobility solutions of the future."

Dr.-Ing. Lars-Fredrik Berg
Fraunhofer ICT


"Our focus is on protecting occupants, even in the more comfortable positions allowed during automated driving."

Stefan Liepold



m:con – mannheim:congress GmbH
Rosengartenplatz 2
D-68161 Mannheim | Germany

+49(0) 621 41060


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